Relicts of Aeson v0.13.1 NEW PATRON RELEASE


First things first: v0.13.1 adds the end of the lates Inquisiton quest and the start of the new Orgy Quest with interactive scenes!

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  • Added end of latest inquisition quest (cutscene with the GRAND Inquisitor with 2 fast scenes and 6 animated GIFs)
  • Added start of new orgy quest (3 interactive scene with 25 animated GIFs)
  • Approach to gallery mode:
  • Reworked the Inquisition prison! After finishing the latest quest you can go to the prison at any time and watch previous inquisition scenes again!
  • Added a few previous scenes to the lates orgy quest (still have to add most of them). You can replay the previous quest and see different previous scenes.

Bug fixes and technical stuff:

  • Fixed a bug that make the dialogue loop if you unequip and re-equip „naked“ at the game start
  • Ariana’s sprite should now be naked it the first scene in the prison tower
  • You should no longer be able to pick up the thief cloths more than once at the game start
  • Arianas sprite should no longer change to the thief armor if you change the map
  • Ariana should now stand BEHIND the prison bars in the prison tower scene
  • Reworked the dialogue in the prison tower a little
  • Fixed a bug that made the maid boss stuck at the end of the last orgy quest (Thanks @Lacy Babe for reporting!)
  • Added Sprite for Ariana’s Fairy Costume
  • Added new sprite for Abby
  • Made it clear that Ariana receives a bottle of wine in the cellar of the orgy hall

Get [18+ Adult Game] Relicts of Aeson v0.15.5. Feb. 14. 2025. Over 340 animations!

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(1 edit)

Game seems like it may be pretty good if it were playable. That isn't sarcasm, btw. I genuinely liked the hidden perversion raising concept. Unfortunately, on android the graphics are almost non-existent and only flicker into view when moving. Super epilepsy warning for anyone who suffers it.

 Also, the dialogue is severely in need of editing. 

I only made it to outside the jail before giving up due to the horrible flickering graphics. If that gets patched I'd love to try it again.